We’re Rockhouse.
Over the years, due to a blend of good fortune, manic obsession, and outright stubbornness, we’ve grown from an upstart production house to the company whose website you’re currently reading. How we got, and stayed here, is a long story. But along the way, we’re proud to have done three things with absolute intent.
We are a small team that take an immense amount of pride in doing the best work. Our size is intentional – there is no B team, no C team. The work you see here was led by the people on this page, and if you like it, you’ll like us.
Lastly, and we mean this in nothing short of absolute sincerity, thank you. We are privileged to have the opportunity to pursue excellence with the men and women who have trusted us along the way – and if you aren’t already on the list, we look forward to counting you amongst them.
The man who started it all, Matt simply loves the art of the motion picture. He has devoted his life to be the very best DOP, editor, and colourist that can be found on either side of the Mississippi, and he breathes that energy not just into every frame that leaves the door, but into every person who crosses his path. We’re all better for knowing Matt.
Cofounder and leading-edge weapon, Aaron is a unique dichotomy of creative vision and business strategy with an arsenal of talents he uses to leverage them. Ace cinematographer and on-set director, gifted writer and fearless team leader, equal parts backcountry grunt and boardroom tactician. All brought to bear by seemingly boundless curiosity and a competitive drive to be the best. He wouldn’t tell you any of that but we’re proud to.
Though he is missing a meaningful portion of his shutter finger, our boy Mac brings his absolute all to the world of stills photography. From leading our capture efforts, to bringing those frames to life with his world-beating retouching – his work and persona are such that he is a man you will never forget sharing a set with.
We could list any number of software competencies, technological prowesses, or other jargon to describe the majesty of William’s ability to create – but we’ll just tell you this: He is a magician. From photorealistic 3D renders to original graphics packages, cartoon animations to painstaking composites, we have yet to find something he cannot do.
A musician by trade, Braydo brings the heat to the silver (or small black) screen by creating custom scores that span a range of genres and vibes that feel entirely impossible to have stemmed from a single source. Whether via his own musical gifts, or that of a vast network of players and instrumentations, his music takes any work to another level.
John is a man we worked with for years before he joined the team. Every time we worked with him before then, and every time we’ve worked with him after, the same thought has crossed our minds: “why didn’t I think of that”. A singular writer, a genius creative, and the person whose aesthetic couldn’t match those traits less – there will only ever be one John Dunlap.
Jess joined the team with extensive client side experience, and brings that wisdom to bear on our team in two key ways. First off, she has her shit together. Secondly, she has an immense understanding of the strategic and tactical nuances that drive success in modern marketing, and guides our approach to create a bespoke approach that best leverages our opportunity with each client. And yes, she keeps our shit together too.
If we wrote about all of the awards Krull has received for his creative and art direction, we’d run out of space. So, take it from us – he’s good. The best in fact, that we’ve ever worked with, so after moving on from his past life running an agency, it was a great honour to have him join our team as both the adult in the room, and also as an Art Director.
A man whose images (and selfies) have graced the cover of many a magazine, Naoto’s zenlike presence and unfailing attention to detail add a layer of precision to the work we do that can’t be found anywhere else – though Naoto himself is often hard to find as he spends much of the year in the wilds.
Logan got her first gig as a producer with a simple promise – “I know how to get shit done”. Turns out, not much has changed. Whether leading the business behind the scenes, or as a producer, she is unflappable, ensuring that – come hell or high water – she puts the team in a position to succeed.
Our favourite project is always the next one, so if you have something you want to bring to life, let’s fire it up.